Group Psycho Social Intervention


Group Psycho Social Intervention (G-PSI) for Dealing with Negative Impact of Covid 19 in Psychological Wellbeing
Ismail Shihabuddeen TM
Psychiatry Rehabilitation Consultant & Counseling Psychologist, KIMS, Kasaragod, Kerala, India
*Corresponding author:
Dr Ismail Shihabuddeen TM, Psychiatry Rehabilitation consultant and Counseling Psychologist, KIMS, Kasaragod, Kerala, India
Received: April 30, 2021; Published: May 30, 2021

Despite of availability of few varieties of vaccines for the novel Covid 19, individuals are unable to perceive psychological wellbeing due to multifactorial reasons. Among the affected population, some are complaining of Post-Covid syndrome and some about Long Covid symptoms. However, the research is inadequate at this juncture to  convince the treatment providers in treating various Post Covid19 concerns. While it takes lot more time for research studies to be evaluated globally; the supportive group psycho social interventions (G-PSI) can be viewed as an unmet need for the individuals who had an experience of Covid19. Loneliness is one common impact reported globally even during hospitalization. There are reports about lockdown loneliness and quarantine loneliness too. Hence, one among the rehabilitation strategy would be an opportunity for group psycho social interventions (G-PSI) for those hospitalized and for those who have become negative in RT-PCR test after Covid 19 treatment. This would help to enhance support system to go back to pre-morbid level of psycho social role functioning. It is also very important to deal with misconceptions related to Covid19, treatment availability and the role of vaccines. This can influence the knowledge and attitude of the individuals in building better community living. Feasibility of group interventions depends on the multi-disciplinary treatment team work or availability of trained mental health professionals. Referral system must be effective in identifying the individuals who can be benefitted from group interventions. Regular participation in group interventions during hospitalization is expected to reduce personal distress. This in turn will make the individuals to have readiness for such supportive group interventions even after discharge for their psychological concerns.

Keywords: Group Psycho Social Interventions, Negative impact of Covid 19, Psychological wellbeing

Citation: Ismail Shihabuddeen T M. (2021) “Group Psycho Social Intervention (G-PSI) for Dealing with Negative Impact of Covid 19 in Psychological Wellbeing.” Sis Med Dent Archives J 1(1): 10-12.

Copyright: 2021 Maximiliano Bravo Valenzuela., et al This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.