Reviewer Guidelines

The following guidelines have been established by Sisla MedicalJournals for reviewers to follow to ensure the quality of the content. Sisla Journals employs a double-blind peer review method for all submitted articles, keeping the reviewer and author’s identities a secret. According to Sisla Medical, a rigorous peer review procedure is essential to producing extremely high-quality literature that can be published in the journal.

Rules and Responsibilities

  • After receiving the invitation, reviewer is requested to intimate their availability to complete the review in given time.
  • One can intimate us your opinion of accepting or declining the invitation. If you are not able to accept the invitation you can suggest any of your colleagues, so that respective editor may invite that person to review and you may not transfer your invitation.
  • Articles are assigned based on the research interests of the reviewer. They can approach the assigned editorial office, if the manuscript is beyond their expertise.
  • After assigning manuscript reviewer can contact the editorial office if there is any problem regarding time or conflict of interest, based on that the reviewer may extend the deadline or cancel the review assignment.
  • The assigned manuscript should be examined by the reviewer to determine whether or not the paper is under the journal’s declared scope. When evaluating the manuscript, reviewers shouldn’t be partial or biassed.
  • To ensure that the review process is finished on time, they should examine the paper within the allotted time frame.
  • You can notify the editorial office if you discover during the review process that the research article does not fall within the area of interest.
  • Reviewers are not permitted to talk with the individual author about their paper (s).
  • We kindly ask reviewers to refrain from using the manuscript’s information for personal gain and to keep it safe from any unauthorised usage.
  • Criticism should be delivered objectively, and foul language is not permitted.
  • You are required to make confidential remarks, and you may advise the editor to accept, reject, or modify them. Their opinions and reviews must never be influenced by factors such as gender, nationality, ethnicity, race, or any political organisations.