
Research Article

Analysis of Cow Meat Sold at Nkwo Market of Okija; Health Implication
Osuji M I, Udeogu CV, Unegbu VN, Odili MC Okafor MO
1Department of Microbiology Federal University of Technology Owerri Imo State Nigeria.
2Department of Biological Science, University of Agriculture and Environmental Science Umuagwo Imo State
3Department of Microbiology, Legacy University Okija Anambra State
*Corresponding author: Osuji Malachy Ikeokwu, Department of Microbiology Federal University of Technology OwerriImo State Nigeria
Received: May 26, 2024; Published: June 24, 2024


This research was done to analyze and ascertain the bacterial load of cow meat sold in Nkwo Market of Okija. This will be able to reveal the health significance and implication of the beef. The beef and waste water the sellers use in washing it were aseptically collected. Ten sold serial dilution was done and spread plate technique adopted. After incubation; bacterial load range of 1.2×105 to 6.0×105, 0.1×104 to 0.4×104 and 1×104 to 6×104 (cfu/g/ml) for total heterotrophic, coliform and SS count respectively were obtained for the wastewater. For the beef, 5×105 to 6×105, 0.1×104 to 0.9×104 and 0.3×104 to 0.6×104 (cfu/g/ml) for total heterotrophic, coliform and SS count were obtained. E.coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Bacillus and Clostridim species were isolated. Poor environmental condition and unhygienic practice were responsible for the containment. Clean-up exercise and cooperation of health workers were recommended to reduce containment. Finally, raw beef bought from the sellers should be boiled very well and if possible roasted to ensure safe and wholesome beef consumption.


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Citation: Bijay Kumar Shrestha., et al., (2024) “A Case Report of an 11-Year-Old Child with Intestinal Ascariasis Successfully Treated with a Single Dose of Albendazole.” Sis Med J Microbiol 1(1): 01-05

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