SMDA Volume 1 Issue 1

Sisla Medical Dental Archives

Publisher              : Sisla Medical Journals

Article in Press    : Volume 2 Issue 1

Publication  date : January 01, 2022

Language             : English

Type of Review    : Double blinded peer review

Format                  : Online

Volume 1 Issue 1

Case Report

Dental Concrescence with Indication of Extraction: Case Report and Literature Review
Maximiliano Bravo Valenzuela*, Consuelo Zamorano Pérez
Published Date: April 03, 2021

Case Report

Intraoral Lipoma- A Rare Case Report
Shalini Subramanyam*, Peeyush Shivhare
Published Date: April 04, 2021

Editorial Article

Case Report

Challenges in Resuming Dental Practice During Covid -19 Pandemic –A Review
Sangeetha Mkonda Gnaneswar
Published Date: August 21, 2021

Research Article

Expression and Clinicopathological Significance of Hedgehog Signaling Pathway in Malignant Mesothelioma
Guan-Ying Ma, Shuai Shi, Ping Wang, Zhi-Gang Zhang*
Published Date: November 20, 2021